In one litre of a mixture of alcohol and water, water is 30%.The amount of alcohol that must be added to the mixture so that the part of water in the mixture becomes 15% is:
In one litre of a mixture of alcohol and water, water is 30%.The amount of alcohol that must be added to the mixture so that the part of water in the mixture becomes 15% is:
1). 1000ml
2). 700ml
3). 300ml
4). 900ml
1). 1000ml
2). 700ml
3). 300ml
4). 900ml
This Question has 3 answers.
option 1
.In 1 litre i.e. 1000 ml of
Alcohol = 700 ml.
Water = 300 ml.
Let x ml of alcohol is mixed
$\frac{300}{1000+x}\times100$ = 15
1000 + x = 2000
x = 1000 ml
1000 lit mix
700 litt alcohol,300 litt water
Ans 1000
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