Example for diamagnetic materials

Example for diamagnetic materials
1). Super conductors
2). Alkali metals
3). Transition metals
4). Ferrites

This Question has 2 answers.

Diamagnetic Substances:$ The substances which are weekly magnetized when placed in an external magnetic field, in a direction opposite to the applied field are called diamagnetic substances.

Example:$ Copper, lead, gold, silver, zinc, antimony, bismuth, etc.


  • These substances are repelled by a magnet
  • Atomic orbitals of these substances are completely filled
  • It develops weak magnetization in a direction opposite to the direction of the applied magnetic field
  • As soon as the magnetizing field removed, it loses its magnetization
  • When placed in a non-uniform magnetic field, it tends to move from stronger to weaker regions of the magnetic field
  • When placed in a uniform magnetic field, it aligns itself perpendicular to the direction of the magnetic field
  • Magnetic susceptibility is a small negative value
  • Relative permeability is close to one and always less than 1
  • Magnetic permeability is slightly less compared to free space

ans- 1- superconductors

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