Direction: There are nine members in a family. There are three married couple. A who is married to B does not have any son like G. G is the only sibling of I who is son in law of B. F is married to brother of H’s husband. G is father of E and D. A i

Direction: There are nine members in a family. There are three married couple. A who is married to B does not have any son like G. G is the only sibling of I who is son in law of B. F is married to brother of H’s husband. G is father of E and D. A is father of C. H is not a child of B.
How is I related to D?
1). Aunt
2). Father
3). Uncle
4). Brother

This Question has 1 answers.


I is the uncle of D.

Hint: The three married couples are AB, HG and IF. F and C are children of A,B. 

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