In a hotel, the rooms are numbered from 101 to 130 on the first floor, 221 to 260 on the second floor and 306 to 345 on the third floor. In the month of June this year, the room occupancy was 60% on the first floor, 40% on the second floor and 75% on the

In a hotel, the rooms are numbered from 101 to 130 on the first floor, 221 to 260 on the second floor and 306 to 345 on the third floor. In the month of June this year, the room occupancy was 60% on the first floor, 40% on the second floor and 75% on the third floor. If it is also known that the room charges are Rs. 200, Rs. 100 and Rs. 150 on each of the floors, then find the average income per room (in Rs.) for the month of June.

1). 151.5
2). 88.18
3). 78.3
4). 65.7

This Question has 1 answers.

Number of rooms on first floor $= 30$

⇒ Occupied room on first floor $= 60%$ of $30 = 18$

⇒ Number of rooms on second floor $= 40$

⇒ Occupied room on second floor $= 40%$ of $40 = 16$

⇒ Number of rooms on third floor $= 40$

⇒ Occupied room on third floor $= 75%$ of $40 = 30$

⇒ Total revenue $= (18 × 200) + (16 × 100) + (30 × 150) = 9700$

∴ Average $= 9700 / 110 = 88.18$

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