Akshay is 16th from the left end in the row of boys and Vijay is 18th from the right end. Avinash is 11th from Akshay towards the right end and 3rd from Vijay towards the right end. How many boys are there in the row ?

Akshay is 16th from the left end in the row of boys and Vijay is 18th from the right end. Avinash is 11th from Akshay towards the right end and 3rd from Vijay towards the right end. How many boys are there in the row ?
1). Data inadequate
2). 42
3). 40
4). 48

This Question has 2 answers.


It is given that Akshay is 16th from the left end in the row of boys and Vijay is 18th from the right end.

Avinash is 11th from Akshay towards the right end and 3rd from Vijay towards the right end.

So we shall say that Avinash is 27th from the left end as he is 11th from Akshay who is 16th from the left end. i.e. 16 + 11 = 27

Also Avinash is 3rd from Vijay towards the right end, So we can say that Avinash is 15th from the right end. i.e. 18 - 3 = 15

By knowing two positions of Avinash,

=> Total number of boys = 27 + 15 - 1 = 41.


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