In a certain code, letters of English alphabet (consonants and vowels) are coded as given for some words. The numeric code for each letter is given in bracket under coded form and corresponds to the letter in the word in the same serial order. Study the c
In a certain code, letters of English alphabet (consonants and vowels) are coded as given for some words. The numeric code for each letter is given in bracket under coded form and corresponds to the letter in the word in the same serial order. Study the coded forms of the given words and find out the rules for their codification. Applying those rules, answer the questions that follow in two sets.
Word Coded Form Word Coded Form
SEAT :[5] [15] [15] [15] NONE [5] [25] [5] [25]
CUT :[5] [10] [5] BOOK [5] [20] [20] [5]
SEAT :[0] [5] [0] OPEN [30] [5] [30] [5]
DEEP :[5] [20] [20] [5] ATE [0] [5] [0] [5]
POUR :[5] [15] [15] [5] PAGE [5] [25] [5] [25]
PIN :[5] [10] [5] UNIT [30] [5] [30] [5]
1). [5] [15] [15] [15]
2). [5] [10] [5] [10]
3). [5] [30] [5] [30]
4). [5] [0] [5] [15]
This Question has 2 answers.
Ans - (E)
The following coding pattern has been used above :
(i) If two different vowels are there between two different consonants, then each vowel is coded as [15] and the code for each consonant is [5].
(ii) If there is only one vowel between two different consonants, then the vowel is coded as [10].
(iii) If there is one consonant between two vowels, the code for each vowel is [0].
(iv) If there are two similar vowels between two different consonants, then the code for each vowel is [20].
(v) If there are two vowels at the second and the last positions respectively, then each vowel is coded as [25].
(vi) If there are two different vowels at the first and third positions respectively, and there are two different consonants at the second and the last positions respectively. then the code for each vowel is [30].
(vii) The code for each consonant is [5].
In the word DOSE, two different vowels are at second and last positions, respectively. Therefore code for each vowel is [25] (Rule v)
Code for each consonant is [5] (Rule vii)
=> DOSE = [5] [25] [5] [25]
Ans - (E)
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