Which of the following statement is true about JVM?

Which of the following statement is true about JVM?
1). JVM acts as run time engine to run Java applications.
2). JVM creates the object of main class.
3). JVM is platform independent.
4). JVM does not call the main method present in a java code.

This Question has 1 answers.

The correct answer is: $\boxed{1}$ **JVM acts as a runtime engine to run Java applications.**

### Explanation:
- The **Java Virtual Machine (JVM)** is responsible for executing Java bytecode, making Java applications platform-independent at the source code level.
- **Statement 2 is incorrect** because JVM does not create the object of the main class by default.
- **Statement 3 is incorrect** because JVM itself is **platform-dependent** (different JVMs exist for different operating systems).
- **Statement 4 is incorrect** because JVM **does** call the `main` method as the entry point of Java programs.

Thus, the correct answer is: $\boxed{1}$ **JVM acts as a runtime engine to run Java applications.**

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